Desire Media

Question 3

What does it mean to ‘believe’ on or ‘call’ on Jesus name?


James 2:19

"The devils also believe and tremble."

John 15:5-6

"He that abides I'm Me…brings forth much fruit. If a man abides not in Me he is cast forth as a branch…into the fire."
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The word believe means more than just to think something is true. The Bible says that the devils believe but that doesn’t save them. Also, calling on Jesus means more than just saying the word "Jesus". Jesus said that we must come to Him AND stay with Him, or "Abide" with Him. He made that plain when He added that whoever abides not in Him will loose his salvation. Jesus said, “without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). James, the brother of Jesus, said in James 2:20 that faith without works is dead.

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