God's Health Plan
The Bible's plan that adds 10 years to your life
In a health study featured in National Geographic Magazine and sponsored by the US government, Dan Buettner researched three regions in the world where people live the longest lives. He called these regions Blue Zones. One of these Blue Zones was in the United States, in a religious community in Southern California called Loma Linda. Loma Linda is a city in Southern California that is home to the largest concentration of Seventh-day Adventists in the world. As a result of the research from many studies, Dan Buettner learned that Seventh-day Adventists live, on average, about 10 years longer than the rest of the US population. What is their secret to living longer? Dan, who is not a Seventh-day Adventist, summarized his findings into 3 categories. First, he says they take their diet plan directly from the Bible, where in Genesis 1 and 2, it talks about a plant based diet of fruits and vegetables. Secondly, they take a 24 hour rest period every week, from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday, and devote it to rest, time with God and with family. Thirdly, most of them abstain from meat and alcohol, and make physical activity a way of life. We’ve already studied about spending quality time with God on His holy Sabbath day, but what does the Bible say about a special health plan that can give us a longer amount of time on this earth? Let’s begin this lesson and find out: