Question 4
How do we know that Revelation was written in symbols?
Revelation 1:1
After Jesus got the message of Revelation from God, He signified it. The word signified means to express something by using signs. In fact, the root word of signify is the word sign, which is synonymous with the word symbol.

In February of 1942, Philip Johnston, a civilian engineer and World War 1 veteran, came up with the idea to use the Navajo language as code talk for the Marines. Johnston knew something about the Navajo language because he was the son of protestant missionaries to the Navajo people and had spent most of his life on, or near, the reservation. He was one of about 30 non-Navajos who could speak this unwritten and extremely difficult language. Writing a letter to the Marine Corp outlining his thoughts, Johnston's idea was quickly accepted and put into action.