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Question 5

But don’t ALL Christians believe in eternal torment and fire for the wicked?


Ezekiel 28:18-19

I will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee and bring thee to ashes…thou shalt be a terror and never shalt thou be any more."
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Even though the majority of Christian churches teach the doctrine of an eternally burning hell, there are a growing number of theologians and bible scholars who are coming to realize the error of this teaching. The late John Stot, 1921-2011 (pictured below), who was an Anglican minister and one of the most influencial theologians of the past 100 years, said, "We need to survey the biblical material afresh and to open our minds, not just our hearts, to the possibility that Scripture points in the direction of annihilation, and that the doctrine of eternal conscious torture has to yield to the supreme authority of Scripture."

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Baptist theologian Dr. Edward Fudge (Pictured above), and author of a book entitled, "The Fire that Consumes", wrote, "Pagan Greek thought patterns entered the Christain stream early in its history and have flowed along almost unnoticed for many centuries". Dr Fudge withstood much criticism from his own church community over his research that showed that the bible doesn't actually teach that lost sinners will spend eternity being tormented in hell.

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Theologian and author, Dr Clark Pinnock (pictured above), wrote, "Worst of all, it has given rise to the sadistic teaching that God makes the wicked suffer unending conscious torment in hell, which has been such a burden to the Christian conscience and an unnecessary offence to many seekers".

In the scripture above, the Bible teaches that the fire will "devour" the wicked and turn them to "ashes". "Never shalt thou be any more". The fire that burns the wicked will cause them to cease being in existence.