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Question 5

What did the Virgins do when the Bridegroom finally did come?


Matthew 25:6-7

"And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps."
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At midnight, when the announcement of the Bridegroom’s coming was finally made, all the Virgins were awakened. What did they do when they heard the announcement? They all got up and trimmed their lamps. Notice carefully; Jesus didn’t say that the virgins awoke and went after the Bridegroom. Instead they awoke and trimmed their lamps. All their attention immediately went to their lamps! If a lamp represents the Bible, what would trimming a lamp represent? Trimming is what you do to a lamp when you’re trying to get it burning. The reason you want it burning is so it can make light. What does light represent? Truth. (Ps 119:105, Isaiah 8:20) So, trimming a lamp represents searching the Bible for truth.

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