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Question 9

Can the Virgins get oil at midnight?


Matthew 25:9

The wise answered saying not so; lest there be not enough for us and you…Go to them that sell and buy for yourselves.
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The 5 foolish virgins who didn’t have oil asked the wise to give them some of their oil. But this was not possible. The lesson here teaches that no man can believe for another. No man can receive the Holy Spirit for another. They were told, Not so; but go to the ones who sell oil and buy some for yourselves. But when they came back, they found it was too late.

Another problem for the foolish virgins was the time. It was midnight. Midnight represents earths final hour. Midnight is a time when few lamps are burning. A wise virgin doesn't wait till the last minute to try and get oil. Those of us who are seeking eternal life with Jesus must receive the Holy Spirit before earth's final moments. We must have our lamps burning now! We must be active in seeking God through the study of His word today!

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