Desire Media

Question 10

How important is the oil, or the Holy Spirit?


Matthew 25:11-12

"Afterward came the (foolish) virgins saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. He answered…I know you not."
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Did the foolish Virgins find oil to buy at midnight? The parable doesn’t say, but it is doubtful that they did. Midnight is not a time when stores are open. The foolish Virgins came back and knocked on the Bridegroom’s door saying Lord, Lord, open to us! The Bridegroom answered, “I know you not.” There will come a time, just moments before Jesus comes, when salvation’s door will be shut forever. Revelation 22:11 speaks of that time; “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still. He that is righteous, let him be righteous still.” Jesus is coming at an unexpected time. Now is the time to be ready for Him. Now is the time to have our lamps burning. Now is the time to be walking in the light or truth of God’s word. Now is the time for the Holy Spirit to be guiding us into truth.

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