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Question 7

How did the Sadducees intend to trap Jesus?


Matthew 22:22-28

"The Sadducees said, Master, Moses said that if a man dies having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up seed unto his brother."

(The Sadducees went on to describe a situation where 7 brothers had the same wife. The first brother had the wife then died. So, the second brother married her then he died. Likewise all seven married the wife and all died. Then, the wife died also. Then in
verse 28 they asked Jesus…)

"In the resurrection, whose wife shall she be?"
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Thinking they would trap him on the issue of the resurrection, they tried to discredit Jesus’ teaching that the dead will someday be raised back to life. They thought Jesus would be at a loss of words when trying to make Moses’ law compatible with the idea of a resurrection.